
Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Short Drink From a Certain Fountain

Description: Season 5, Episode 11

Air Date: December 13, 1963

Plot Summary: An old man takes an experimental youth serum in order to keep up with the demands of his young wife.

Review: Ironically, if this episode were made today the person getting the comeuppance would be reversed. You know this scenario: an older, rich guy marries a young, gold digger wife. For whatever reason, the old man, Harmon, mindlessly loves this little chickadee, Flora, despite his brother's advice to ditch the bitch. Unable to keep up with her antics, Harmon ponders suicide if his brother doesn't assist him. It would seem the brother is some kind of doctor working on an experimental serum that would make a person younger. Since they were still testing it on animals, the brother advises against giving Harmon the serum, but Harmon is one insistent mangina.

Later on, Harmon takes the serum and becomes younger. Flora, idiotically not questioning this bizarre situation, is excited about traveling around the world or whatever. However, given the unpredictable nature of the serum, Harmon keeps getting younger until he's been turned back into a little boy. Actually, this wouldn't be too bad as long as my mind remains intact--if I can't have that then screw this serum! The brother explains to Flora that she is stuck with taking care of Harmon until he grows up, now Harmon will get all the attention, and Flora will be the one dealing with the fact that she's getting ever older. Yeah right--maybe in '63. How that shit would go down now: bitch would divorce Harmon, get half or more of his shit, and, indeed, date a younger guy with all her money. That's modern day "fairness." And, making matters worse, Harmon would still grow up to be a little mangina bitch-boy. On the bright side, Flora did mention something about not being a "night nurse," and that sounds like a delightful porno!

1 comment:

  1. That girl was sure a gold digger with a heart of stone, not too different from the wife in "Stop at Willoughby", who's only with the 60 year old husband for the money and then disrespects and belittles him without giving two shits about his feelings.
    It was kind of weird seeing an older 60 year old guy like that in an early 60s being called Big Daddy.
    Harmon did let her make him into her bitch, he had no balls and was drowning in more self pity than I'd like to see in another grown man. Then, he threatens suicide to his brother if he doesn't inject him with his experimental youth serum which his brother had made very clear of its dangers and that it has killed or crippled animals in his lab. He had issues. Why couldn't he have just left that bitch instead of acting like this?
    Of course if he did that, we wouldn't have had the twilight zone plot of the youth serum. But, I think they could've done alot more with that than they did. All we saw was one pretty quick scene of Harmon looking about 30, telling his incredibly impressed wife about traveling with her, and then him suddenly falling ill, then in the next scene, he's now a two year old baby. They missed some opportunities of Harmon as a younger man, and it was too short. At least the tables had turned on that heartless bitch at the end.
